My fantasy sport leagues have all been played online. But before there was an Internet I’m sure some of you played in leagues made up of friends and relatives. That must have been fun getting together every so often with everyone and talking about how things are going. The draft sessions must have been a blast.

But today probably most fantasy sport leagues are played online. And that can result in some great new friendships. Unfortunately, it can also have the opposite effect and you could get stuck in a league that can’t end soon enough.

Here is a suggestion when joining a league. Communicate with as many members of the league before you join. Find out about them as well as telling them about you. Basic demographic stuff is helpful – age, experience, etc.   Your main interest is reading the responses you get. You can tell something about people in the way they write. Do they write in short unintelligible phrases, is everything written in shorthand text, is the grammar something a 6th grader would write? Those things are fine if that’s what you want, but if you are looking for a more mature league those red flags should send you elsewhere.

When I joined the Boise Summer League in 1992 in Baseball Manager, the fellow who started the league posted a note in the forum looking for members. He later told us that he made his decisions on who to invite based upon what they wrote. If they could string a few words together in intelligent sentences he asked them to join. That was some pretty funny stuff when I learned how he did it, but he must have known what he was doing because several of us still play together in that league twenty years later.

The flip side of things can also happen. Last year in a different league a new member joined. The league thought it was getting one person (a veteran some of us knew), but instead the team was run by the guy’s teenaged nephew. Okay….kind of odd twist but not much could be done about it. The young man talked a good game and assured us of his commitment. Things didn’t work out, he finished dead last in the league and ticked off several members at various points in the year. Not the best of times.

In short, be careful who you agree to play with as 162 games is a long season.

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